Agape Children's Village
(if your sponsored child is in our children's home, choose from one of these items)
Christmas Dress - Girl - 50,000 shillings ($14)
Shirt & Tie - Boy - 40,000 shillings ($11)
Contribute to the Christmas Dinner Party at the Home - any amount will help
Agape Community Child Sponsorship
(if you have a child in our ACCS program, you can choose from any of the above list as well)
Mattress - 80,000 shillings ($22)
Blankets - 50,000 shillings ($14)
Bed Sheets - 40,000 shillings ($11)
Mosquito Net - 10,000 shillings ($3)
Family Christmas Gift for an ACCS Child
Food for a Christmas Dinner (1kg of beef, chicken, rice, cooking oil) - 60,000 ($17)
Cow for the family - 1,825,000 shillings ($500)
Goat for the family - 355,000 shillings ($100)
Mattress for siblings - 80,300 shillings ($22 each)